The Flash
A TV show centered around scientist Barry Allen, who suffers a freak accident that turns him into a superhero with the power of incredible speed.
1. The Flash 1x1. City of Heroes
2. The Flash 1x2. Fastest Man Alive
3. The Flash 1x3. Things You Can't Outrun
4. The Flash 1x4. Going Rogue
5. The Flash 1x5. Plastique
6. The Flash 1x6. The Flash Is Born
7. The Flash 1x7. Power Outage
8. The Flash 1x8. Flash vs. Arrow
9. The Flash 1x9. The Man in the Yellow Suit
10. The Flash 1x10. Revenge of the Rogues
11. The Flash 1x11. The Sound and the Fury
12. The Flash 1x12. Crazy for You
13. The Flash 1x13. The Nuclear Man
14. The Flash 1x14. Fallout
15. The Flash 1x15. Out of Time
16. The Flash 1x16. Rogue Time
17. The Flash 1x17. Tricksters
18. The Flash 1x18. All Star Team Up
19. The Flash 1x19. Who Is Harrison Wells_
20. The Flash 1x20. The Trap
21. The Flash 1x21. Grodd Lives
22. The Flash 1x22. Rogue Air
23. The Flash 1x23. Fast Enough