Rick and Morty
An animated series that follows the exploits of a super scientist and his not so bright grandson.
1. Rick and Morty 1x1. Pilot
2. Rick and Morty 1x2. Lawnmower Dog
3. Rick and Morty 1x3. Anatomy Park
4. Rick and Morty 1x4. M. Night Shaym-Aliens!
5. Rick and Morty 1x5. Meeseeks and Destroy
6. Rick and Morty 1x6. Rick Potion #9
7. Rick and Morty 1x7. Raising Gazorpazorp
8. Rick and Morty 1x8. Rixty Minutes
9. Rick and Morty 1x9. Something Ricked This Way Comes
10. Rick and Morty 1x10. Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind
11. Rick and Morty 1x11. Ricksy Business