Heroes Reborn
A year ago, a terrorist attack in Odessa, Texas left the city decimated. Blamed for the tragic event, those with extraordinary abilities are in hiding or on the run from those with nefarious motives.
1. Heroes Reborn 1x0. Episode
2. Heroes Reborn 1x1-2. Brave New World
3. Heroes Reborn 1x1. -2 Brave New World
4. Heroes Reborn 1x2. Odessa
5. Heroes Reborn 1x3. Under the Mask
6. Heroes Reborn 1x4. The Needs of the Many
7. Heroes Reborn 1x5. The Lion's Den
8. Heroes Reborn 1x6. Episode
9. Heroes Reborn 1x7. June 13th - Part One
10. Heroes Reborn 1x8. June 13th - Part Two
11. Heroes Reborn 1x9. Sundae, Bloody Sundae
12. Heroes Reborn 1x10. 11_53 to Odessa
13. Heroes Reborn 1x11. Send in the Clones
14. Heroes Reborn 1x12. Company Woman
15. Heroes Reborn 1x13. Project Reborn