Adventure Time
A human boy named Finn and his best friend Jake, a magical, talking dog, set out on their adventures in the magical Land of Ooo.
1. Adventure Time 1x0. Episode
2. Adventure Time 1x1. Slumber Party Panic
3. Adventure Time 1x2. Trouble in Lumpy Space
4. Adventure Time 1x3. Prisoners of Love
5. Adventure Time 1x4. Tree Trunks
6. Adventure Time 1x5. The Enchiridion!
7. Adventure Time 1x6. The Jiggler
8. Adventure Time 1x7. Ricardio the Heart Guy
9. Adventure Time 1x8. Business Time
10. Adventure Time 1x9. My Two Favorite People
11. Adventure Time 1x10. Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
12. Adventure Time 1x11. Wizard
13. Adventure Time 1x12. Evicted!
14. Adventure Time 1x13. City of Thieves
15. Adventure Time 1x14. The Witch's Garden
16. Adventure Time 1x15. What Is Life_
17. Adventure Time 1x16. Ocean of Fear
18. Adventure Time 1x17. When Wedding Bells Thaw
19. Adventure Time 1x18. Dungeon
20. Adventure Time 1x19. The Duke
21. Adventure Time 1x20. Freak City
22. Adventure Time 1x21. Donny
23. Adventure Time 1x22. Henchman
24. Adventure Time 1x23. Rainy Day Daydream
25. Adventure Time 1x24. What Have You Done_
26. Adventure Time 1x25. His Hero
27. Adventure Time 1x26. Gut Grinder