Julian Northbrook
I'm Dr Julian Northbrook and welcome to Doing English. Doing English, a place for frustrated non-native English speakers who want to speak extraordinary English Whether you're a doctor or an artist, an IT professional, a chef or anything else, Doing English will show you how to learn English, speak English well and use the language as a tool for success in your life. A bit about Julian: Creator of the infamous MEFA English course and leader of the League of Extraordinary English Speakers. Went to Tokyo to be an Artist and failed. Lived there for 13 years anyway. Now I live on the beautiful coast of West Cork, Ireland. Published author and researcher. Stuff by Julian: I send daily tips to help you speak better English, straight to your inbox. You can sign up for those here: http://doingenglish.com

345 videos
Can I learn English while sleeping? Can I learn English while sleeping?
3 years ago En
Don’t just rely on your sleep to get fluent in English, instead, learn English the proper way: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining There are a lot of ways to learn English… and one of the methods some people have come across is learning while asleep. It’s something that’s called subliminal learning, and I talk more about whether it’s effective or not in this video. And after watching it go to https://doingenglish.com/freetraining and study the free training I created so you can start learning English properly (even beyond your dreams). #DoingEnglish #JulianNorthbrook #learnEnglish #englishlearningtips
When and how to use tag questions? When and how to use tag questions?
3 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing #DoingEnglish, JulianNorthbrook #learnEnglish #englishlearningtips #tagquestions #britishslang
"I'm better at English after a drink how can I do that without the drink?" "I'm better at English after a drink how can I do that without the drink?"
3 years ago En
Don’t just rely on your drink to speak English fluently, instead, learn English the proper way: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Understandably, you feel like you’re fluent in English when you’ve had that pint… or two. But if you want to learn how to speak better English without having to depend too much on your drink, you have a couple of things you need to do. And I talk more about what those are in this video. And after watching this video, go to https://doingenglish.com/freetraining and study the free training I created to get yourself started in your English fluency even when you’re sober.
How can I stop using filler words when I’m speaking English as a second language? How can I stop using filler words when I’m speaking English as a second language?
3 years ago En
Avoid using filler words and learn English the proper way: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining When you’re speaking English and you find yourself saying a lot of “uhh”s and “ahh”s and “kinda”s, it’s just basically your brain’s way of getting a bit more space to process what’s going on. But if you do it TOO much, it might become habitual. I talk more about how to reduce or stop using filler words in English in this video. And after watching, you can go to https://doingenglish.com/stop if you want to start learning how to speak English like how native speakers do. #DoingEnglish, #JulianNorthbrook, #learnEnglish, #speakenglishfluently #englishconversationtips
What should an introverted person do to overcome hard social situations (especially in English)? What should an introverted person do to overcome hard social situations (especially in English)?
3 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing #DoingEnglish #JulianNorthbrook #learnEnglish #conversationquestions #englishconversationtips #introverts
How can I overcome the feeling of being rusty in English? How can I overcome the feeling of being rusty in English?
3 years ago En
If you feel like your English is rusty (or want to start learning English in general), brush up and learn English the proper way: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining When you’re using English as a second language and haven’t had that much time to use English as much… you probably felt like it’s gotten rusty. But, that’s not exactly true. In fact, it has a lot to do with a part of your brain that “activates” your English. I explain more about “activation” in this video and what you should do if you feel like you’re “forgetting” how to use your English. And after watching this video, go to https://doingenglish.com/freetraining and study the free training I created to get yourself started in your English fluency. #DoingEnglish #JulianNorthbrook #learnEnglish, #learnEnglishspeaking #learnEnglishonline
Is it rude to sigh in a meeting? Is it rude to sigh in a meeting?
3 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: The more important question here is “can anything ever be truly rude or not rude?” Does sighing in a meeting make you rude: yes or no… depending. The more important question here is, “can anything ever be truly right or wrong, or truly rude or not rude?”. Simply because everything always depends on the context, on the situation, how it’s done. Swearing is a perfect example of this. I mean swearing on one hand can be extremely rude, but in British culture, it can also be one of the strongest terms of endearment that is indicated that we are good friends with somebody that you could possibly get. Calling somebody an “asshole” can be aggressive but i
Why conversation apps might not help you be fluent in English? Why conversation apps might not help you be fluent in English?
3 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing One of the big mistakes that a lot of people make is speak English with a conversation teacher. One of the big mistakes that a lot of people make is doing the typical speak English with a conversation teacher. Speak English with somebody on italki. Speak English with a language exchange partner. And it’s so comfortable and it’s so easy. And, the other thing that, you know, people do is “I need to practise speaking so I’m just going to speak to myself at home” but it’s so easy and it’s so comfortable and it gives you a false sense of how good you are… and then when the pressure is raised, you just can’t perform well in that kind of situation. This is why, yo
Does getting drunk increase English fluency? Does getting drunk increase English fluency?
3 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing #DoingEnglish #JulianNorthbrook #learnEnglish #fluencyinenglish
How does sleep impact my English learning? How does sleep impact my English learning?
3 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcription: In those periods, even speaking my first language, my ability to be clear and articulate just plummets. If you are tired, that is going to impact on performance a lot. And believe me, this is something I’m very, very familiar with. Today I’m actually quite well-slept and very much awake but some people might have noticed that I’ve looked quite tired over the last couple of weeks and, you know, I go in and out of periods of extreme insomnia where I would be just lying awake night after night. You know sometimes I can go an entire week and I’ve only slept like 2-3 hours tops over the whole week and in those periods, even speaking my first language
How can I speak English more efficiently in conferences? How can I speak English more efficiently in conferences?
3 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Kind of being comfortable with, perhaps, not explaining everything perfectly which can kind of suck because, again, and the reality is, is you probably have to drop down, become worse before you can get better. You’re gonna ask a question but it’s taking you a long time to formulate that in your head and by the time you actually get it out, everybody’s kind of sitting and thinking like… yeah, and I get it, I get it. It’s a very common problem. The first thing, really, is repetition. Repetition is the key there. The second thing is kind of being comfortable with, perhaps, not explaining everything perfectly which can kind of suck because, again, an
Is there a cultural difference in apologising? Is there a cultural difference in apologising?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: That kind of culture with that way of thinking, it’s almost like if you are not an individual human being. Basically, you had an expectation, that this flight attendant is going to apologise for these dirty socks (I think you said it was) or whatever the problem was. But instead of apologising, he said “interesting” and then basically made no attempt to apologise for that at all. The way that I would interpret this and I think if you think in terms of cultural differences between Japan and many western countries, the UK included, I think it’s fairly fair to say that generally speaking, Japan is very much a group-centred culture. The example you ga
Why I got good score in school but I can’t speak English well in the real world? Why I got good score in school but I can’t speak English well in the real world?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Where the university/high school entrance examination system is king and basically everything centres around that. What you really end up with is a kind of learning that actually really just forces this kind of very slow, conscious, careful processing where you then, really, just having to think about everything probably getting stuff down on paper. It’s really just a case of hammering away at the automation stage of what we are doing. What you’ve always got to remember is you get good at what you do. So the rather disturbing reality (and this is true for everybody pretty much because of the way you were, really, taught at school) is you’ve actuall
Why don’t I improve in English as fast now as I did as a beginner? Why don’t I improve in English as fast now as I did as a beginner?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: When you’re a beginner, progress, you know, you see real progress fast. When you’re a beginner, progress, you know, you see real progress fast. And that is simply because you know nothing and it’s like, you know, if you only know two words of English and you learn two more, you’ve just doubled your knowledge in the language and that’s huge. But it’s, you know, language learning like many things, is exponential. Meaning, kind of like earthquakes, the difference between a magnitude 1 and a magnitude 2 is pretty big. The difference between a 5 and a 6 is just incomprehensibly big. So you do stop seeing progress and this is one of the reasons why you
Will using hard words in English make me sound smarter? Will using hard words in English make me sound smarter?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Whereas if you can communicate things in very, very simple concepts or in simple ways, that often actually sounds far more intelligent and more sophisticated than using the “clever” stuff. A lot of people, I think, make the mis-assumption that if they use big, difficult-sounding, sophisticated, complex, flowery language, that’s somehow going to make them sound like a very intelligent person. But what matters is always the context. Who you are speaking to. And really, the true, advanced English speaker is actually somebody who can use that language very, very flexibly. You know, often, lining up these big, complex-sounding words, and creating these
Why do I have an irrational fear of making mistakes in English? Why do I have an irrational fear of making mistakes in English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: It’s human psychology. It is irrational fear, but ironically it’s completely rational because it’s human psychology - we’re all the same. Think about it, you may have heard me talk about this before but this is… think of the theory of giants - of which I think is just the best metaphor ever. Which says that we see ourselves as a giant and we see everybody else as like these small people around us. And we think, “Because I’m so big I stand out so much, everybody can see me, everybody’s looking at me... and I just don’t notice these small people around me.” But actually, everybody believes themselves to be the giant. So whilst you’re saying, you
Will learning more vocabulary make me fluent in English? Will learning more vocabulary make me fluent in English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: More vocabulary is not necessarily going to make you more fluent. More vocabulary is not necessarily going to make you more fluent and this is a big mistake a lot of people make. “Oh, I’m not fluent in the language, so I just need to memorise more vocabulary”… well, the problem actually isn’t that you don’t have enough vocabulary, it’s that you’ve got no idea how to bind this vocabulary into native-like units of language. It’s not organised properly, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. This said, I mean, more vocabulary is always going to be better than less vocabulary. I mean there’s no reason not to learn more, as long as you understand that that isn’
Is watching sitcoms good to improve my English? Is watching sitcoms good to improve my English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing #doingenglish #learningenglish #englishlearningvideo #englishlearningtips
How to define fluency in English? How to define fluency in English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: I’m either fluent or I’m not fluent. That’s actually not true. One thing we’re going to talk about extensively when we get into week 7 is what fluency actually is. People tend to think of fluency as being a single thing which you either have or you don’t. I’m Either fluent or I’m not fluent. That’s actually not true. And actually what people mean by that is not fluency in the technical, scientific sense of the word. What they actually mean is proficiency. See, fluency, spoken fluency, actually has 5 elements: encoding (which is you know, how do you learned those chunks and stored them in long term memory), organisation (like how well is that inf
Can I predict English conversations before they happen? Can I predict English conversations before they happen?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Which is why I really recommend instead of thinking predictively, think retrodictively. It depends what you mean by conversation. You know, we’re all going to have to go through border control which means having a conversation with people at immigration. We’re going to have to have a conversation with a taxi driver, and then we’re going to have a conversation when we, you know, check into an Airbnb, into a hotel. We’re going to have to have a conversation when we go to get our national insurance card or to register at a university or something like that. Things like that are highly predictable and you can quite easily guess what’s coming. Now, when
Which is better for improving my English - reading, writing, listening or speaking? Which is better for improving my English - reading, writing, listening or speaking?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: All skills are connected, but they have different elements that others don’t. I always really recommend that, you know, you think of the things that you do in terms of “what do I do, what am I achieving behind this?”. Trying that again is a habit of thinking “I need to improve my English therefore I’m going to read” or “what is better for improving my English, reading or listening?” Try to think of it more along the lines of “Here’s a book that I want to read so I’m going to read it, it just happens to be in English”, “Here’s a radio show or audiobook that I really want to listen to so I’m going to listen to this.” And the reason why is because that
Is it better to use an English to English dictionary to improve my English? Is it better to use an English to English dictionary to improve my English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Well, if you’re trying to understand English based on your native language, well you’re always going to end up with this problem of your intuitions being slightly out. It’s 50-50. Now, it depends on the words. In general, I would recommend using an English-to-English dictionary, and there are a couple of reasons for that. One, because it actually becomes doing something in English. The more we remove our native language in the process, the better. You’re also, then, using the English that you’ve got to learn more English. So if you’re reading definitions in a dictionary, then, obviously, you have to understand the definitions in order to understand
I fell for a telephone scam. I fell for a telephone scam.
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing
The best way to know if your English is correct without asking The best way to know if your English is correct without asking
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Well, the only thing you’ve now done is implanted an idea in that person’s head that your English is not very good and the only reason they now believe your English is not good is you’ve put that idea into their head. How can you know if your pronunciation was correct or not without having to say “oh I don’t know if I pronounced that correctly” which then kind of puts you in a position of… of weakness in a way because it shows that you’re insecure about your pronunciation. And you’ve now shifted the focus from the conversation to the fact that you’re insecure about your pronunciation which kind of creates this weird English-learned or not English-le
What should I do when I teach English but have to teach grammar? What should I do when I teach English but have to teach grammar?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcription: What it then is about is about then using the materials that you have to use, doing what you’ve been told to have to do in class and then basically layering on top of that is as much practical stuff as you can. One of the big differences then between how things are tend to be done in Europe and how things tend to be done in Asia (certainly in Japan and Taiwan, China, and a lot of other Asian countries as well), they don’t even get that level of choice. What’s actually happening is that government says “here are the books that we use” and everybody in the country uses themelse comes with it. Which is why I was able to do my research in that area
How can I become more confident when I present ideas in English? How can I become more confident when I present ideas in English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing
How can I know if what I say is offensive or not? How can I know if what I say is offensive or not?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing
What is the goal for English teaching in school? What is the goal for English teaching in school?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Goals of a school are totally different to the goals of students and what people may believe the goals of those lessons are. Now, Japan is very, very similar from what you’ve just said in terms of Italian, that you know the two main things that they study at their age group (and that’s the age group that I used to teach – junior high school) the two main things they study is English (bizarrely enough when you consider like, you go to Japan and nobody speaks English) and Japanese. And they also do put a lot of time into studying their own language. That’s partly because of the writing system which is, you know, has to be learned and developed for a v
Why do I lose confidence the better I get at English? Why do I lose confidence the better I get at English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: The more I learn, the less I know. And it’s almost a cliché, and it’s true of anything. First thing I’ll say and this is human nature, it’s just how we are wired up. We are designed to find the negative and simply not notice the positive. The more I learn, the less I know. And it’s almost a cliché, and it’s true of anything. It is a real thing. You may have heard of something called the Dunning-Kruger curve. Dunning-Kruger were actually the two people who kind of studied this in psychology but the Dunning-Kruger curve basically shows confidence on one axis and then knowledge on the other axis. And what happens is people start off super confident
What should I know before studying English more? What should I know before studying English more?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn and speak English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: So, first, before you even think about English – learning English, practising English, using English – I want you to answer these questions. To keep ourselves focused and moving in the right direction, we need to be clear about us, about what we’re doing in our lives. Because if you’re not clear about that, you’re just going to be going all over the place, and around in a messy, unstructured kind of way, never really knowing what you were doing. And this was me. This was me while I was trying to learn Japanese. I didn’t really know what I was doing with my life. It was all over the place, it was a scattered mess. So, first, before you even think ab
Why is just listening to podcasts ineffective for improving in English? Why is just listening to podcasts ineffective for improving in English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Just passive exposure to English is incredibly ineffective for improving and getting good in the language. I mean it does, it is an important aspect, it’s kind of like what we talked about before. You know, the research is very clear. Study.. it’s like the door is closed until you’ve studied something. You learn something in your study time, it opens the door, passive exposure is now able to do its job and its process of learning something, putting it into memory and then, you know, noticing that and now listening or in our conversations then it’s what connects that to everything. And then really helps to, you know, deeply embed it in long-term memory and make
Why do I lose my words when speaking English in stressful situations? Why do I lose my words when speaking English in stressful situations?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing
What Is the best way to learn vocabulary? What Is the best way to learn vocabulary?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: Really, you know, improving your vocabulary is the same as anything else. And, like, my advice is always focus on larger blocks of English, chunks of English, but you know, building vocabulary is also a good thing to do. It just shouldn’t be the primary focus. But it should be done in exactly the same way as I’ve taught you throughout the course. Data-driven learning – start with real samples of English, you know, whether they are optimised, you know, materials designed for people learning English just like what you’ve got in Extraordinary English Speakers. Whatever you’re using, start with real samples of English and then aim to understand everything in cont
How can I stop feeling afraid before I have an English meeting How can I stop feeling afraid before I have an English meeting
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing
How do I learn phrasal verbs? How do I learn phrasal verbs?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: So, okay, well really, I mean it depends on how you look at it. Phrasal verbs are tricky and I think the only reason that phrasal verbs can be a little more tricky than other “different types” of chunk, and that’s all they are. I mean all languages are “chunk” to a certain extent. We have different names, different things, you know, we talk about idioms and applied linguistics at least, and we talk about lexical bundles, which really, are kind of most “chunk-like-chunk”, I guess. You know, we also talk about collocations, we talk about phrasal verbs, and they’re all really just different names for what is essentially the same thing. The thing that can make p
How can a Taiwanese person study English and French together? How can a Taiwanese person study English and French together?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing
Should I learn to speak English in different accents? Should I learn to speak English in different accents?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing Transcript: So, this is a good question. I just want to talk about it a few times and it will definitely be in the self-service coaching app. This is not just a problem for you. This is a problem for every single person in the entire world, whoever speaks any English anywhere, including myself. You know what, here in New York, I haven’t got a fucking clue what people are talking about half the time. Like, some people, their accent is so strong and they’re just talking at me and I’m just like “Oh my God, what did you just say to me”. And it seems to go two ways because I find myself having to repeat myself because like, people, first of all, they tend to be surprised beca
Why is it harder to speak English when I'm in a bad mood? Why is it harder to speak English when I'm in a bad mood?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. To get Julian's legendary free daily email tips for speaking better English go to: https://doingenglish.com/emails Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doingenglish.com/shadowing
Grammar is hard for me because I'm Japanese: what should I do? Grammar is hard for me because I'm Japanese: what should I do?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ Go here to get the free training: https://doingenglish.com/FREETRAINING Sign up for daily email tips: https://doingenglish.com/EMAILS Read the Good Shadowing Guide: https://doingenglish.com/SHADOWING​ Transcript:
I want to do public speaking in English but I make mistakes... should I wait until I'm perfect? I want to do public speaking in English but I make mistakes... should I wait until I'm perfect?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ Go here to get the free training: https://doeng.co/FREETRAINING​ Sign up for daily email tips: https://doeng.co/EMAILS​ Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doeng.co/SHADOWING​ Transcript: I think you're overthinking this far too much. And we had this conversation quite extensively last week. You might want to have a look at the recording from that if you've got time or if it didn't already. I think it was Wendy. Wendy, you're on. Hello Wendy can't see you. Really asked about a mistake that she was making. And she said, oh, I keep getting the tense wrong. And I keep saying the wrong thing, but I'm listening to it and thinking, that's how any native speaker would probably say it. And I think what tends to happen is people tend to overthink and over assume the quantity of mistakes t
I speak English very, very fast, but I make lots of mistakes. How can I improve my English? I speak English very, very fast, but I make lots of mistakes. How can I improve my English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ Go here to get the free training: https://doeng.co/FREETRAINING​ Sign up for daily email tips: https://doeng.co/EMAILS​ Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doeng.co/SHADOWING​
How many words must you know before you feel truly fluent in a language? How many words must you know before you feel truly fluent in a language?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ Go here to get the free training: https://doeng.co/FREETRAINING​ Sign up for daily email tips: https://doeng.co/EMAILS​ Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doeng.co/SHADOWING​ Transcript: How many words do you need to know to be able to consider yourself fluent in English? Hello, I'm Dr. Julian Northbrook from https:/doingenglish.com and this is a question I've answered before on this channel in different ways and I'm sure it's not the last time I'm going to talk about it. But how many words, do you need to know to be able to consider yourself fluent in English? It is a question without an answer. And when I heard it once again today, it made me think of a quasi experiment that I saw on Japanese TV many, many, many, many years ago. On that show, they sent reporters out onto the s
What if you don't LOVE English? What if you don't LOVE English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ Go here to get the free training: https://doeng.co/FREETRAINING​ Sign up for daily email tips: https://doeng.co/EMAILS​ Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doeng.co/SHADOWING​ Transcript: I'm Julian Northbrook. https://doingenglish.com. Let's talk a little bit about motivation, and learning to love the English language. This actually came up in a discussion with one of my accelerator group coaching clients about the importance of just really learning to love the process of using and improving in English. And I was telling him that in the past I have, and likely will again, turned people away from my coaching and from my courses, because essentially, it's just obvious to me that you don't really like using English. You don't really want to learn to improve your English. You just r
Why do I still fail to reach fluency in English, despite many years of learning? Why do I still fail to reach fluency in English, despite many years of learning?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ Go here to get the free training: https://doeng.co/FREETRAINING​ Sign up for daily email tips: https://doeng.co/EMAILS​ Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doeng.co/SHADOWING​ Transcript: Why do I still fail to reach fluency in English despite many years of learning? All right, let's talk about that. What up? I'm Dr. Julian Northbrook from https://doingenglish.com. Honestly, I've got no idea why I just said what up? I think it's because I've been watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix and it's rubbed off on me. Whatever. So you've learned English for years and years and years, but you still failed to reach a level of fluency. It's a very common problem and one that is best talked about in terms of an analogy. If you've been following my stuff for a while, you will already kn
How do I buy happiness with the least amount of money? How do I buy happiness with the least amount of money?
4 years ago En
Get my free daily emails: https://doingenglish.com/emails Transcript: Hello. I'm Dr. Julian Northbrook from https://doingenglish.com. Somebody asked, "How do I buy maximum happiness for the least amount of money?" This is simple. First and foremost, stop thinking that having money will automatically bring you happiness. It won't. Sure, if you don't have money, the opposite is usually true. If you don't have enough money to pay the rent, to pay bills, to feed yourself properly, that is depressing, frustrating as hell, and painful. I know, I've been there. But just having money will not automatically bring you the happiness. Rather, it's how you use that money to invest in things that are going to give you a better, more satisfying life. For example, your own education and the skills that you need to make day-to-day life smoother and easier. Second, massive simplification of everything that you do. This is a huge topic for me, personally. Everything that I own, for example, fits into a single carry-on suitca
Why aren't people impressed when you speak English? Why aren't people impressed when you speak English?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ Go here to get the free training: https://doeng.co/FREETRAINING​ Sign up for daily email tips: https://doeng.co/EMAILS​ Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doeng.co/SHADOWING​ Transcript: "Why aren't people impressed when I speak English?" someone cries. Hello, I'm Dr. Julian Northbrook from https://doingenglish.com. And this is another question which came up on Quora recently, "Why aren't people impressed when I speak English?" the asker asked. The reason why English speakers, and I'm talking about native speakers here, but also people from countries where English is just widely spoken, for example, Denmark, or the Netherlands, or Sweden, or somewhere like that. The reason English speakers aren't particularly impressed when you speak English is exactly the same as the reason wh
Should you ignore “basic” English as too easy? Should you ignore “basic” English as too easy?
4 years ago En
If you are a deep thinker and want to build true competence in English, sign up for my free daily emails: https://doingenglish.com/emails Transcript: Hello, I'm Julian Northbrook from https://doingenglish.com, enjoying some oh, so rare Irish sun. People learning English, especially at the higher levels, tend to shun the basics mistakenly thinking that it's easy, that they get that, they know that and that they need something more advanced. But true competence in English conversation is less to do with learning more difficult stuff, but to do with understanding the deeper underlying subtleties or to put it another way, how difficult sometimes the very basics of a language can be. Good example of this. I've just filmed one of the next extraordinary English speakers lessons. The lessons that my guys in extraordinary new speakers get from me every week to study. And it's based on a real conversation that I had about going to the tailors to get some trousers altered. I'm not super, super short, but I'm definitely
English Exhaustion will ruin your life English Exhaustion will ruin your life
4 years ago En
To get started with my “English Exhaustion Prevention Plan” go here: https://doingenglish.com/freetraining Transcript: Hello. I'm Dr. Julian Northbrook from doingenglish.com. English exhaustion is a very real problem. And if left unchecked, it will cause you immense amounts of pain and frustration in the longterm in all areas of your life. Back in the day when I was working in a school in Japan, all in Japanese, largely because of some kind of administrative screw up, which had landed me a non-Japanese speaker in a school where they'd requested specifically a Japanese speaker, I was absolutely exhausted all the time, shattered from the second I woke up in the morning to the time I went to bed at night, because every ounce of my energy was constantly being drained by the grueling process of trying to comprehend and be comprehended in my second language, of just desperately trying to get my job done properly in a second language, not to mention the constant thoughts that would come to my mind, remembering the
Is it easier to learn a language if you've studied linguistics? Is it easier to learn a language if you've studied linguistics?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ Go here to get the free training: https://doeng.co/FREETRAINING​ Sign up for daily email tips: https://doeng.co/EMAILS​ Read the Good Shadowin Guide: https://doeng.co/SHADOWING​
How Can (and Can't) Doing English Help You on YouTube? How Can (and Can't) Doing English Help You on YouTube?
4 years ago En
Julian Northbrook is on a mission to change the way people learn English for the better. Subscribe to this channel for videos about learning English and the psychology of the "Good Language Learner": https://doeng.co/SUBSCRIBE​ To get started applying my methods to your English go here: https://doeng.co/FREETRAINING​ Transcript: What is this here YouTube channel all about? And importantly, what is it not all about? Hello, I'm Dr. Julian Northbrook from https://doingenglish.com. By combining insights from decades of research in the fields of applied linguistics and applied psychology, I've developed an approach for helping speakers of English as a second language at the higher levels, people just like you, to go from sounding okay in English, but slow an awkward lacking in confidence, to speaking at incredible levels of fluency, naturalness, and confidence. And honestly, I do not believe the effective way to do that is by studying yet more of the same tired old English lessons that you can find on almost any